Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I drove back to the woods where, (in my youthful years), the train of all thoughts began to take shape. I had hoped to hear the soothing sounds that brought serenity to my severe inquisitions; but instead, I remembered the voice that filtered my reasons when despair brought forth harmful doubts and forced me to my knees.

It takes little effort to produce a friend from an acquaintance, but to form a meaningful relationship with precious, lasting memories are scarce, if not difficult to come by.  And as hard as it may have been to accept it, one very important lesson was learned today:  Time and distance have no weight of ruin when the bonds made between two strangers are strongly crafted.

If the message was understood correctly, today marks the day that I re-learn to cherish precious moments in my life.  The mind is a powerful instrument of creation and self-destruction, but the heart, (proven that it can think for itself), has an unspoken presence that can leave a long-lasting footprint in the lives of those who are willing to be surrounded by it.

Death does not discriminate, this is true.  But Life does not end with the last heart beat upon this Earth.  Where memories are many and the heart remains unbroken, those we have lost can be cherished through time and space – and their soul, eternal as they are, will live on forever in our hearts.

You don’t have a soul.  You are a soul.  You have a body.”
- C.S. Lewis 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Secret

You burdened me with a beautiful lie
And I pondered about its origin...

Whether the uniqueness of it is a well crafted design
To keep me away
Or to warn me of the reasons for your change of heart.

And now I see you only as temporary and electronic;
Testing my patience and playing with my heart.

Who did I become that made you turn away?
Had my demons startled you so soon?

You had yet to understand the nature of my being
When you confessed upon me
Your well crafted lie.