Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Beware the Shooting Stars

The stars were falling from the sky, flashing their smile against the darkness of the night.  They spoke phrases without words, pronounced sentences without tongues, and their lips chanted the perfect formula of delight in the stillness of thoughts.  And these thoughts were swimming through and through, floating in the air like loose threads that danced with the brisk, cool air that sent shivers down his spine.  The songs of pain and deception coloured the silhouettes of hope that only his innocent impulsivity had created.

Growing within him were the scars of jadedness that ran deep under his skin – these threatened to open their wounds with every breath he took of the scents that invaded his painted landscape.  But when he gave in to fear, he thought no more of the aches that slowly devoured his insides.  He became pale and every breath filled his lungs with desperate sighs at the idea of a new promised map of treasures that led to a land of mysteries.  And yet, he took his compass and embarked on the journey to find himself among the emptiness of thought; driven solely by a cardinal of wants and bliss.  Intuition supported his heavy steps spelling out ‘c-a-u-t-i-o-n’.

Fear now had a strong hold on him.  It paralyzed his active limbs and immobilized his insides – And it was just then, when his heart stopped beating, that he realized he was alive.

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