Wednesday, January 2, 2013

This year, Be Like Water

“Empty your mind.  Be formless, shapeless, like water…  Water can flow or it can crash.  Be water my friend."   -   Bruce Lee

Water, known as the “primal liquid”, has the ability to take on any shape or form – it is diverse and can be representative of the contemplative moment of the inner self.  It is seen, by some cultures, as one of the most important of all the Earthly elements; imperative to the survival of all biotic organisms in this world.  It is mysterious and influential with a manner of character unpredictable to the tempers of the season.  It is creation and it is destruction; it is the sea and the rains.  It is freedom.  It is independence.  It is transformative – as with time and growth; always changing…always adapting.

An epiphany comes and goes when you are given the opportunity to be alone with solitude and the chance to expand on the inconvenient thoughts that make the brain hollow.

This year, be like water. 

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