Saturday, October 26, 2013

A dozen years of patience

The man you loved is changing
As life would jade his truth;
He's faded into shadows
And painted bright his youth.

A dozen years of patience
Would test his love for you;
Although your heart's now plighted
His dream's a hopeful blue.

The man you knew is growing
Now twisted by his pride;
He's morphing into madness,
And cloaked by modern strife. 

Your silence has him waiting
Your absence leaves no clue.
So close and yet so far, again
Thus virtues seem untrue.

The man you knew is leaving
Perplexed by your detachment;
He waits a dozen years
But now your eyes bring sadness.

A dozen years of patience
Would test the lovers' youth;
And now that age is granted
This game seems far too crude.

The man you loved is changing
And you would jade his truth;
He's fading into shadows
Will you paint bright his youth?

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