Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I woke up with a tune in my head and I could not stop listening to it until I wrote about it

"Here I am expecting just a little bit 
too much from the wounded.
But I see through it all 
and see you.
So I threw you the obvious 
to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, 
eyes of a tragedy. 
Oh well.
Apparently nothing. 
You don't see me. 
You don't see me at all."

Hopeless romantic ideals that attack and absorb and are aborted in tears full of fears that needn’t be mentioned due to the lament of scripts that are always left unspoken.
“Why won’t she accept my offer?”
Because you’re not worth her insecurities
“What does that mean?”
That I cannot answer as I’m uncertain of my own words
“Confucius and confusion for all Foncuius”
For what?

And it is all meaningless shelter in words that are as invisible as the thought process of my head left spoken without proper grammar by the language of a solitaire heart.
That’s by choice
“Not always”
You don’t have the decency to live like a human being so instead you pull this crap!
“Why so careless?”
I’ve had enough of your hopeless ideals
“Then cover your ears for these thoughts will not cease to exist until – “
- Until the lyrics are answered, yes, yes I know.

So what is this then that has rhythm and melody to the sounds of my morning, how inglorious (oh look, a coma!) – the exclamation is set to accentuate my final thought…

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