Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When Options become Choices…

Time is spent weighing out the circumstances that exist only in myths, and all that could have been is lost in between the lines of risks not taken.  Time is lost in the contemplation of fools that know not the difference between a want and a need; and options are plenty, but choices sometimes need to be made.

An Option comes and goes; though, it will not linger forever waiting until the game is played, long after it is lost.  These seem colourful; painted in shades of a spectrum that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye of the viewer.
A Choice is painted in shades of grey – negative and positive, pro and con, yes and no.  The best way is to resist it with support from hesitation, ( f e a r ).

Why not proceed with what feels right, when all that would be wrong is to live with the doubt of “ifs” in the island of lost hope?

An Option will temporarily wait, play along, breathe and exhale – and for a while, no time constraints are necessary.  It is childish play for fools who feel that they have all the time in the world.
A Choice will provide a timeframe; breathe but not always exhale – time is of the essence for those Choices who are not willing to feel their efforts are wasted.  It is only for those who are risk-takers, willing to commit to an adventure, to submerge themselves in something new.

When does the Option become a Choice?  Is it defined by the fine line that separates a shadow from a bright silhouette?  Is it when wants are more evident than the needs, no longer a knot of confusing questions?  Why must an Option, which feels so right, have the need to become a Choice, when all could be uncertain?
AnswerBecause enough is enough.

Some Options will entertain the ego of the fancied but when the timeline has been served with enough patience, it is time to make a Choice and decide on what is best for the peace of mind, body, and soul.

This Option will not wait around forever.

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