Monday, June 11, 2012

That moment when you realize the feeling’s gone…

When you look into the eyes of your muse to search for the spark that once lit your morning, and find that it is now as dim as the darkness of a colourless black;
A vacuum in time that echoes no sound but for that of remorse and frustration.

Then you begin to wonder, “where did it go?”
And the bitter-sweet sensation that keeps your hopeless dream alive becomes a fallacy lived in the absurdities of a surreal painting – unframed and kept in the aisles of oblivion.

And then you feel your time is being wasted;
Toyed with, tested, unwilling to commit.
And you feel the dissatisfaction of minimal efforts, or the lack of interest weighing you down.

So you come to the conclusion that the feeling has changed –
It has shifted,
It has altered,
It is misused,
Your trust abused, until you realize that it was never developed;
It has been misrepresented. It has been misjudged.
And the hopes of restoring it to all fruitful promises
Has left your desire to try.

It is in that moment, when you finally realize that the feeling is gone.

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