Monday, July 23, 2012

Considering the Possibilities...

It is said that in order to better understand oneselfman must travel - whether it is as far away as another continent, or as close as the next neighbouring city.  So I travelled.  And through my travel experiences I learned that the grass is not always greener on the other side.  The pastures of our own backyard can be just as lively and just as healthy, if and when the proper time and care is taken to cultivate what has already been taken for granted.
But prior to learning of this truth, I simply pondered: Why do people feel a need to travel?  My answer came in the form of puzzles that I gathered in time and watched as it took shape to reveal its colourful intent.
People often want to leave their home and venture into the unknown with the hopes of filling a void that is only present as a result of some form of personal neglect.  This form of neglect comes from within - so it is easy to pretend that nothing in the homeland satisfies and; therefore, it is meant to be found elsewhere in the distance. In most circumstances, it is a sense of unhappiness that triggers this desire to test the will of self on stranger lands.
This concept above lead me to break free from the sheltered world I lived in.  And I travelled far away from all comforts; learning, and learning again.  Not only did I learn to appreciate my homeland for the wonderful possibilities that it has to offer, (thus realizing the fact that I had taken many things for granted), but also, through my journey, I learned to discover the essence of self.
I'm glad that I did it and, in a way, I'm glad that I'm not alone on this.
So to answer my previous ponder, I feel as though it is, at times, necessary to take this 'escape route' (as some would call it) when nothing else will satisfy.  Just as important, it is necessary to distance oneself from all comforts and test the will to strive for success in an unknown land where unfamiliar experiences are unavoidable.
Returning to where the heart beats the happiest taught me to appreciate the life I can now lead.  I am fully aware of the various possibilities that are presenting themselves and I am even more aware of my self, (my weaknesses, my strengths, and my abilities to make the right and wrong decisions).

But Change being constant and desires always addressing the needs and wants of all individuals makes it (somewhat) difficult to maintain this sense of awakening.  Sometimes, external factors, such as society's structure or personal matters, have a way of testing this old sense of alertness, causing discomfort within.
Though in my mind and heart I once felt a sense of emptiness and I fed them with my explorations "down-under", I feel as though the sense of fulfilment is being tested yet again as time progresses.
So now I am, once more, considering the possibilities.  The possibilities of integrating myself into something that is somewhat unknown, and somewhat distant - because, technically speaking, I would not really be leaving this "home and native land."
To the East lies a new source of inspiration, and I am taking into consideration exploring what it has to offer my new curiosities.  There's always room for growth.

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