Friday, July 6, 2012

I loved you like Nature loves the Elements - the uncontained Heart of Nostalgia

I loved you like the Sun loves a clear sky in the noon hours of day; embracing the sounds of Nature’s echoes, playing hide-and-seek with the white of fluffy clouds.
I loved you like the Moon loves a starry night in the eves of twilight; embracing the soothing bursts of fresh air, serenading thoughts to the melodies of crickets that hide their stare.
I loved you like the Elements of our made-up nature – you were Air, and I was Fire, Water, and Earth combined.


Your breeze intrigued movement to the calm of my ocean - you brought the waves that caressed the surface of desires with your timely stranger influence.  The serene glass turned to currents, and this Water gave life to an oscillating effect of playfulness that only spontaneity could create – and you accompanied my endeavors, acknowledging my thirst to feed my boredom…

Your zephyr caressed the planes of my external empty shell - you brought peace to the shallow planes of commotion with your tender soothing appreciation.  The dried up dessert turned to life, and this Earth gave existence to greener pastures in my own backyard – and you settled in its unstable foundations, claiming shelter for a while…

Your gentle wind whispered a breath to the spark that was lighted dimly in the dark - you brought it to life with your persuasive word.  The glitter turned to Fire, and this Fire gave life to a world of wonders that only the secrets of my pen could describe – and you indulged in its complex elegance, seeing more than I was willing to share…

But like the Seasons come and gone, so did the Sun have to sleep, and the Moon had to retrieve its essence every quarter death.  And as for the Elements that claimed their glory in better lifetimes; their miscarriage was informal, and their time of peaceful interaction was short-lived.

You feared your emotional progress with these Elements was thwarting your natural desire for non-conformity.  You were Air and sought to breathe - to betray the calm before the storm, to create a gap of turmoil, and to continue your games of chasing the unattainable.  You wanted Air alone; you always had.  So you became a gust of wind that was uncontainable, blowing into the extremes of unsettled, unhappy coordinates.  Meanwhile, I remained with the thirst to burn, to bathe, to bare but given no motivation to continue. In the confusion of this sudden appearance, the Elements realized their uproar…

Your verve cast a Tsunami, and the Water destroyed its surroundings.  In a blanket of liquid, time lost its fluidity, drowning in a seascape of bubbles that burst individually and painfully.

Your vivacity created a Sandstorm, and the Earth covered all that was fruitful.  In a blanket of sand, all that once flourished now withered, buried deep under every particle of trust that faded away into oblivion.

Your despair blew out the Light, and the Fire lost its vivid lucidity.  In a blanket of darkness, the secrets averted their truthful demise, readjusting their vision to keep the dimmed spark from fading away with subconsciousness consciousness.


Reconciliation could not bring harmony to what died during the interaction of our Cosmos.  And the Sun that I loved hid its face from the Moon that I worshipped, never again sharing a space in the sky of dusk or in the dawn of a new day.

The cycle of Seasons of lifetimes before I loved you learned to pause its persistent gamble with FateAir had not yet been taught to co-exist with itself, and the remaining Elements betrayed their reasons under the umbrella of tricks and treasons.
We had not yet acknowledged, (until its timely end after Life), that our beginning had been pre-determined by the strings of Fate’s playful creativity.

But despite the irrational absurdities that wrote our time in another chain of events, I loved you like the Sun, the Moon, and the Elements combined - and that makes blissful this uncontained heart of nostalgia.

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