Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's called Sabotage!

"I'm dating a lost cause." - An unoriginal concept to some, though few may lament concurring with the statement of fools who would lose themselves between the vines of hopeless romanticism.

Why let go of potential cures that could mend a broken heart?
Is it fear that drives one to commit the fraudulence of self-sabotage?

The excuses, the lies, the laborious efforts to refrain from progress - but you know deep down that it is meant to be.

Is it the idea of longevity by side of fools' gold? The commitment of growing up and learning to relearn?  And the side of a stranger subdued to emotional efforts; when two become one by way of plenty satisfaction that appeal to words as much as to the tools of  a step forward once every while.

How is it senseless to remain with hope when it is all going so right?  And to walk away from the frame of all longed desires?  Is it being too picky or too much a coward to accept it?

"Give it a chance," it is heard...but the words reflected are not translated - what language must it speak in order to be understood?

If truly it is a lost cause, then why remain? Attachment.
If truly it is promising, then why walk away?  Fear.

Knowing of the unwanted, and wanting of the know.

How confusing...

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