Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Random 1

Alert morning glory under the rays of cool lights, the sun greeted me to a day of unexpected behaviours.
The heart seeked answers to uncontrollable questions that proclaimed my sleep in previous nights; and now the tumour of intrigue is lost in translation among quotes and abbreviations.
The eyes are sought, the breath needs to be shared, but the invitation sent is not replied to until the follie is unattached from sensitivities.
The longing, the aching, the desire, the cravings - all gone within the minute of grief, replaced by bitter sweet lisps of foreign tongues that scribble my madness onto a paper rock; (this one would be tossed away through the skipping ropes of memory lane).
And I tripped, and landed face first into a suffocating cushion of hopeless ideals that are no longer sparked by external disinterest. What was heard became an echo of dream effects surpassed by the cliffs of conversations with deeper beings - Why the sudden change of heart ?
Easily convinced, timidly confused, openly amused, secretly enthused.  The collaboration of contradictions juxtaposed in between the lines of random thoughts.

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