Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mis-interpretation of Dreams: Time Lapse

I fell off my chair and realized that mine were not the only eyes that were staring at my fallen body.  With an embarrassed demeanor, I stood up and smiled past the exit door of the bar.

Laughter and giggles were understood through the white noise of silence.

"Are you ok?" said a distinct voice, "are you hurt?"
Do I look like I am fine? "Yes," I began, "yes I am," as I stood up with a mask on my face that would help me cover the spell of shock. What kind of a stupid question is that?
"Let me help you get up," said the child's voice.
"No, I am fine" I defended myself.  I'm not that freaken old!
"Are you sure?" the young voice asked.
"Yes," I replied, "thank you." NOT!!!

Feeling gravity upon my feet changed the stadium of my occurrence.  Where did I jump to in this sense of time?  The restaurant became obscured by the greens of a jungle - What the hell just happened?  Where is this chair that pulled me from my night of speculations?
And the greens became a serenade of games and routines.  Slides and swings - Are my hands childish once more?  No...Why am I here?

I fell off the bars that held me up, landing on the soft granules of white sand that cushioned the steps of all children that ran about it.  It was soft and secure.

Laughter and giggles were understood through the loud songs of children running.

"Are you ok?" said a distinct voice, "are you hurt?"
I want to cry but I will hold my breath so that my tears will not escape me. "Yes," I began, "yes I am," as I stood up with a mask on my face that would help me absorb the rays of smiles that ran around me oblivious to my careless mistake.  How come I can see myself suffer in silence?
"Let me help you up," said the child's voice.
"No, I am fine," I defended myself. I'm not a freaken child!
"Are you sure?" said the young voice.
"Yes," I replied immediately, "thank you." NOT!!!

Feeling the weight of my own body upon my knees changed the atmosphere of my event.  Where did I jump to this time?  The restaurant became the playground.  The playground became...  What the hell just happened? Where is the monkey-bars that entertained my affair with gravity?
And the sandy bed that cushioned my rear became a whirlwind of hot air.  Spotlights and shadows - Why can't I see myself? Am I invisible? No...Why am I here?

I fell into the spotlight beneath the dark walls - Were these walls?  But no walls could be seen.

And the light went off.
I can see nothing in front of me or around me. There was no flare of air; no sound, no silence NO BREATH!

And the voice of nothingness made conversation with the voice of unwantedness.  It was a strange manifestation... And I Enjoyed It.

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