Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Thought on Moving On...

"It's madness, to hate all roses, because you got scratched by one thorn. To give up on all your dreams; because one did not come true. To give up on all effort; because one of them failed. To lose faith in prayers; because one was not answered. To condemn all your friends; because one of them betrayed. Not to believe in love; because someone was unfaithful. Remember another chance may come up. A new friend, a new love, a new life. Never give up on anything."

It should go without mention that Trust is a delicate trait that we all possess.  When abused and/or maltreated, it takes time, (days, weeks, years), to heal.  Though experience and wisdom would teach us that it is better to forgive and forget, it is often the latter that is the hardest to achieve.  And I guess I ponder often why it is that life seemed much simpler in the years of youth, when naivety was vast and trust was given freely (and often tested by the curse of disappointments).  The damage was done, and as soon as the perpetrator walked away, it would all be forgotten - And I would be left to walk along my path, with a new perspective, carelessly and effortlessly.  Life would go on.

If there is no Trust, there is no Relationship (romantic or not).

But to those who have been hurt several times; whose Trust and Hopes and Dreams have been burnt by the emotional disregard of another; is it really as simple as just learning to let go?  I would have to agree, against my own convenience, that it would be the respectful thing to do - Respect for yourself and for the new person that is eager to write a few (if not a lot of) pages in the next chapter that comes.

It is, indeed, madness to give it all up because one (or many) individuals were oblivious to the repercussions of their actions - Perhaps they were simply mislead by their own selfish deeds in trying to figure out their place in the world?  Perhaps their actions were unintentional and now (one would hope) they know better than to live with that regret once again?

If one is to grow in love, one must learn to love oneself first.  And to continue to love oneself again, one must give life another chance.  As it would, this realm we live in now is filled with stages - some call them tests. There is no age for perfection, nor is there perfection in such lifetime, but the illusion of it is grand and one usually feels it when all voids seem to be filled.  But how could these be filled unless we allow them to be?  If ignorance is bliss, what, then, is knowledge?

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