Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A final drive-by: One last token left unwrapped

The marking of new eras and joyous times are exciting moments in one's life and they leave traces of unavoidable memories among those who partake in the occasion.

I can’t help but find our human nature to be quite peculiar, (if not unreasonable or unseasonable), when it comes to engaging in such celebratory traditions.  As surely as nothing lasts forever, under whatever circumstances, these souls are meant to part ways and all that remains are the scars of past revelries.  All that is left is the unwrapped token of appreciation that is kindly concealed within a blue envelope, abandoned in the darkness of a white box.

One final drive-by could only reaffirm the absence of the once loved; and the only desire is the unspoken richness of silence with the hopes that the words transcribed will be read in between their lines.

To those who have come and gone, who have made a past life unforgettable, I commend you for your presence as it has instilled (and intrigued) a greatness now  re-awakened.  In a few nights’ time, I shall look up to the new Moon from the heights of an old neighbouring bridge, wishing and smiling once again.

Cheers to life and our imperfect wisdom in age.

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