Monday, August 6, 2012

Mis-representation of Dreams 2: Drive-by Car Wash

I stood by the corner of the busy avenue...My car broken, down in the middle of the busy traffic, stood on three wheels, (the other was nowhere to be found).  The trunk was left open and I stood behind it, paying no mind to the tools, forgetting that the rain threatened to fill up the space with the splashing sounds of rushing vehicles.
I stood there, looking past the other side of the road.

Thoughts arrived, which asserted my diversion from ignoring the oncoming dangers of the blind traffic madness:

Most people here have taken the 'blue pill' rather than the 'red pill'
"People frustrate me..."
Just let them be.  There's a grand illusion that people keep trying to make when they're special, different, and unique
"I want to let them be despite their arrogance and lack of humanity."
They're way less grandiose than we'd like them to be
"There's something to be said about the civility of their mind and how it interacts with their surroundings.  Some claim to be attentive, others claim to be apathetic...I try to believe them but they prove me wrong all the time with their actions."

Towel hanging from my hips; the rain caressing every follicle, every pore of my body.  My hair, long as it ever was, pointed to the surface of gravity.  The drops of water, hanging from the tip of my split ends, tried to connect my body with the fluidity of the puddles on the road.

To my left, a grey vehicle is turning towards me.  The license plate on the front bumper is missing, (it is an out-of-province car), replaced by a sticker resembling the German flag.
My heart pounds slightly faster as it slows down before me.

You ponder too much about something so certain
"Who am I?  What am I?
The post-modern classic dilemma of existentialism
"No, I've been through this phase before...I can't be thinking of this now at this day and age.  It is something else...something uncommon and yet quite familiar."
I am born and I am dead on a daily basis, always with that thought in mind
"I thought I was past this worry...I was content."
Look up, you've just missed the sunrise

The rain had stopped.  The road was quiet, deserted.

The grey car had come to a complete stop, and I attempted to sneak a glance at the driver.  Drips of sweat still held onto the metallic shell of the sedan, confirming that rain had indeed fallen - I was not completely imagining it all.

The window is rolled down gently only to reveal its vacancy.  Who was the drive-by Samaritan that stood beside me in my moment of need, offering no help but the presence of meaningful essence?

I will never know.

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