Saturday, May 26, 2012

Catching up with a ghost, learning to re-learn.

They met after some time to catch up on the news of their happenings since the break-up.  It was strangest to him because he had loved her so much.  He only wondered why it was that she returned when, originally, it was her decision to leave his heart in the dark.
Together, they made up for the loss.  Words were intertwined as much as their bodies, which lingered about, retracing each others’ contours as if they were lost treasures found once more.
It felt good.  It felt comfortable.  They were both aware of their company and how natural it became to be by each others’ side.  This was not surprising to him, but he wondered if she felt the same.  They were caught observing the lines under and around each others’ eyes when she finally asked, “why can’t we just go back to being like what we used to be?”
He looked into her eyes with a perplexed stare.  She did not want to be committed to him anymore, and yet she wanted to stay with him.  Silence had muted their speech for what felt like fifty long uncomfortable seconds.  He knew his frustration would get the best of his lyrics if he did not find a way to paralyze all anger and verbalize his diction in a mature and peaceful manner.
You mean before we decided to give us a chance?” he finally asked; a hint of sarcasm was heard in his tone.  “You mean before we decided that a year had been enough and that it was time to stop playing games and make a commitment of fidelity toward one another?”  He pondered if she understood him.  She sat there with her eyes stuck to the ground, but it was not shame that overtook her body language.  He continued, “you mean before I made you realize that I was more than just a toy and you realized that we were meant to be?”  This was too much and it almost sounded conceited, he thought, but he needed to say it.
In a way,” she began, “what I mean is that I want us to go back to how we were…no commitments, just two souls learning from one another.”
What’s the point?” He insisted.  Although her suggestion made sense to him and the notion of liberty of exploration enticed him, he knew that they were not strangers any longer.  He grew to be confused by her request, but only because he could not understand what it was about him that she did not want to live with.
Why are we going backwards when we should be moving forward?”  He asked but he worried that she would still refuse to comprehend his question.  Why was she so intrigued by him, so hurt by him, and why was she so comfortable around him?  Why did she want to be by his side and yet not be with him?
She stayed as silent as the night.  Even crickets sleep at dawn.  But time did not prevent him from further probing to find an answer to what seemed so ludicrous a request on her part.
Her silence made him uncomfortable.
I trusted you,” he began, “and you robbed me of my heart’s dreams and desires because you feared fighting for something that could have been so good.”  He noticed, by her body language, that his words were stabbing at her, but he could not stop; though he refurbished his words to avoid conflict.  “I understand what you mean by going back to how it was.  I agree that it was, perhaps, the most magical of times for both of us; however, you know that I had always loved you and wanted more.”  A tear threatened to escape his eye, matching the ones that already dripped from the corners of her green emeralds.  He pondered if he had the strength to continue with his words, wondering if they were too accusatory for the moment.  It was too late now to pretend that this was not an issue.
I understand,” she finally answered.  And with her final sigh, she exited the car once more.  The role had been played in his mind too often that it became a simple déjà vu.  It was no longer surreal.
He wondered if that would be the last time that he would ever see her again.

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