Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Do not cling or avert..."

The words are read and contradicted by their affliction to make sense of indifference – why now that status labels are diverted? Why are reactions so profound when once they were not?  And to betray my morals for a moment’s bliss and my values for a childish game; surely, I could not be so naïve to believe that it is alright?

The attention gathered was desired as a constant in the open past, when everyone knew.  Now lays a secret hidden under the blanket of stars, all to fulfill the selfish treasons of both participants – and the two who would fondle in secret, without alerting their miseries to public’s eyes.

But why the secrecy? Why the games again?
Why the discouragement from doing what’s right when healing wounds still wear their bandages?
Why the egoism to re-live what once was without the labels that would discourage strangers from poking their fancy at the status of a relationship between two old lovers, two best friends?

No promises, no directions - Just toying with the flow.  This is nature but unnatural to the cause of a heart’s amendment. One step forward, two steps back.

The steps are contradicting – the game will be played once more…just until all constants become too burdening to bare and the heart is overwhelmed by the insult proposed.

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