Friday, May 18, 2012

We were supposed to write history together...

Little Black Book, where have your secrets gone?
I await your return but my mailbox remains empty of your old hopeless wisdom.
Are you hurt? Are you lost?
Are you at the bottom of a recycled pit with your ink running dry into the extents of limitless oblivion?

Little Black Book of Thoughts - three seasons spanned your pages; recorded, forgotten by your last owner.  Know that I will miss you and the lessons you taught me through the riddles of your confusing scriptures.

Little Black Book of Confessions - to whom shall my words be preached? How will you hear me in the unknown distance that binds us?

Little Black Book of Old Stories - did Aquaman ever make it through the aches of his journey?  Has the Ice Princess left her castle?  Trice more, their stories were written and all ended in the unhappily ever after of the right encounters at the wrong points in time.

Little Black Book, don't leave me to my solitude without a final good bye.  Narrate for me the lines of beautiful promises that only fools like myself can daydream about.

Little Black Book, paint my reality in the idealism of your old tricks.


  1. The question I'd ask is - how many Little Black Books has one possessed along their Kalachakra?

  2. I guess it depends on the number of times you have felt this cycle take a 360 turn. When two is too many and one is not often enough.

  3. I myself, so far, but once. "They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."
