Thursday, May 10, 2012

Remodelling old mistakes for Pleasure's sake

“Again,” said the demon, a thousand years later.
He crouched on the floor, beside the brazier, rocking gently, his eyes closed, and he told the story of his life, re-experiencing it as he told it, from birth to death, changing nothing, leaving nothing out, facing everything. He opened his heart.
When he was done, he sat there, eyes closed, waiting for the voice to say, “Again.”, but nothing was said. He opened his eyes.
Slowly he stood up. He was alone.
At the far end of the room, there was a door, and as he watched, it opened.
A man stepped through the door. There was terror in the man’s face, and arrogance, and pride. The man, who wore expensive clothes, took several hesitant steps into the room, and then stopped.
When he saw the man, he understood.
“Time is fluid here,” he told the new arrival.
                                                                                  - Neil Gaiman, "The Other People"

These are the "other people" whose time moves around in circles; endless - Where's the start, where's the end?  Where is the beginning of the end?
And if lessons are meant to be learned, why then do they go back to the past to seek for truths that hurt us and others?

Dear Karma, you have your games to play, people to hurt, and I have my old ways to re-acquaint.  But the difference is that I was once the man stepping through the doors, already aware of my journey, already aware of the wounds I will inflict; meanwhile, your journey is just beginning...

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