Sunday, May 20, 2012

"If you love someone, let them go"

There's a saying that goes: "If you truly love someone, you will let them go.  If they return to you, their love is yours.  If they do not, then their love never belonged to you."

Why should I?
Why shouldn't I just stay with this person and keep them by my side?

"If they return to you, their love is yours."
But how bitter will I be with them for having left me in the first place? Why should she choose to leave something that was once so good?  Was it for selfish desires? How am I to accept that as an excuse?

"If they do not, then their love never belonged to you."
Am I supposed to be content with this self-righteous conclusion???

I guess the lines may prove to be sensical when all sense escapes the mind. "If you truly love someone HER, you will let them HER go."  Such bitterness is proclaimed by this first opinion - it contradicts all desires, but truly, when the mind is calm, the heart obeys the hidden intent of said prophecy.

I guess if the love had truly been unconditional, there'd be no questioning it - and then again, if it truly was, she never would have left.

But why do two souls meet and depart from one another?  Is it that their love was untrue? Perhaps their meeting occurred at the wrong moment in time? What is time if not a self-made frame of open windows? The timing is always right.  The love is merely staged in different phases.  And I guess this would make more sense if one were to see things from this perspective.
Yes, she loved me, but it was not to the depths of the love I felt for her.  My offer was unconditional, while for her it was always questionable.  She thought herself incapable; unable to see what I saw.  But who am I to propose patience when the inner self has yet to be interviewed?

Let her be.  For what it's worth, love, in its truest form, cannot be damaged by the absence of one shell or another.

We are all children of the Universe, walking about a trail of veins upon the Earth - some that intersect unnoticeably, others that compose our re-direction, as we digress from one path to the other, (and then some that intrigue the focus of our discipline).  But as many a soul that meets our legends, only few meet who are destined to sail together.  Those who do not perform to meet our destiny need to be 'let go', if only for progress' sake.  So let it go, because it would be of no benefit to stay when the soul has misinterpreted the nature of its soulmate.

If they SHE return to you, their HER love is yours."  How cleverly misguiding.

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