Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Introvert

"You're not as extroverted as I originally thought"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, just that I thought you were different."
"I see...sorry to disappoint you then"
"I'm not saying that it's a bad thing..."
"Then what are you saying?"
"You're different...that's a good thing...but you're just not who I want."
"I thought you'd be more outgoing, that's all."
"I have done things this way throughout my various lifetimes.  It keeps my sanity at bay, and my boredom entertained.  It is this vision of me that you saw and that you liked...Why now do you feel disappointed, as if I had changed so much that it disillusions you?"
"I guess I just never paid it much attention...and I wasn't sure - "
"-sure that the introvert in front of you could offer you new experiences? Sure that this introvert had more to offer your mind than what your body had already experienced? Or sure that I, the introvert, could potentially become something more in your life than just some empty shell?"
"To find out the truth behind curious intents, you need to take a risk; take a chance, to see if you're able to move forward."
"I know that...but..."
"But what?  What do you fear?"
"It's not that..."
"Do entertain my word."
"I admire your sense of being.  I feel honoured to have met you, to have touched you, to have felt your affection.  It is immense, and I wished I could say that it is incomparable...But you're just not him."
"I basically, this is what it comes down to...the idea of detachment from the past."
"I'm unsure...and I'm scared."
"I'd rather not waste my time on someone who is willing to commit with half a heart.  I deserve a level of effort that will guarantee me that I'm not simply wasting my energy and illusions."
"...I'm sorry, but the extrovert was more fun."
"Then it is good bye."

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