Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Ideal Woman

I created a list long ago, registering every characteristic that is necessary in my ideal woman.  These were traits that I thought would be suitable to match with my own personality; qualities of mind, body, and soul that seemed as logical then as what I thought to be wise.

Experience may have jaded my ability to trust; though I do not regret the heartaches that came and went with the winds of seasons past.  And the eyes that once seduced me no longer share a colour of interest; and the words that once romanticized their world no longer spread their intent in my own.  In the past these were acquired and cherished with my vulnerability, simply because they allowed me to check off an item from the old list of my ideal woman.

But in time, my own personality has changed; it has adjusted to better understand the many predicaments of life.  With this change, my desires for the personality of my ideal woman adapted a new vision.  And now, the person who should balance my asymmetry sits between the corner of experience and a portrait so vague that she becomes impervious to description.

In this present age, my needs and wants have been scripted with a clearer shade of ink, and some of the old features on that list no longer apply to the old fantasy that captivated my desires.

So, today, I write a new list – one that is healthier and more at peace with the logic of my heart.  A list that seals no closure to the possibilities that will come; a list that does not disfigure my personal ambitions for acceptance of what will be.  Today I write the new list of my ideal woman.

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