Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Random Conversation 2

The memory of her became tainted by the unveiling of recent truths.
The passion, the affection, the connection - all shrouded by the bitterness of visible lies and the realization that I was played for a fool.

"But you knew there was something there that was not quite right."
True, but I thought it may just have been something my mind conjured due to the need for proof of trust...
"You mean, due to the paranoia that had you believe it was too good to be true?"
NEVER! I've given her all the benefit of the doubt!
"In your own way, perhaps.  But they did not perceive it that way, I presume?"
Yes...but it was given nonetheless!
"So why were they not confronted?"
I saw her in his arms, and she had posted the images purposefully.  And then I saw the other wearing half his clothes and his hands on her ass!
"Oh? And what did these two say?"
That nothing happened really...I was overreacting.
I know!  And she dared to challenge my questioning, claiming I was a fool for not trusting her!
"Nobody with respect for their own relationship would stay up past dawn partying in another continent with a complete stranger who keeps his hands all over her drunken body!"
Exactly my point.  Even if she told him that she was seeing me, we both knew that something happened that night!
"I hear ya.  And what about this last one? What did she do?"
Well what can I tell you.  It started too well that it made me uncomfortable.  And how was I to prove it when she made sure to keep the photos of him hidden from me?
"So how did you find out?"
He wrote to her often and I read it all - but she could deny contact with him whenever I'd ask.
"I see...well burn them all in the hell of your past!"
I intend to.  And so now, when I see the memory of us, I can't help but feel that my time with her was truly wasted.
"A double edge sword!  You learned a lot from this."
Truly speaking, if there's no trust there's no relationship!
"We both know that."
As did they.  I told her that I dislike being lied to.  She said the same goes for her...
"She lied."
Oh only constantly!
"Well, you're better off!"
My mind definitely agrees.  My heart, on the other hand, still feels for her...
Hell no!  What it feels is betrayal!
"Understandably so.  But let Karma deal with her."
She'll get what she deserves?
"I promise you, she will."

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