Monday, July 30, 2012

You will never find another Me

You will certainly move on, and in doing so, you will find someone new who makes you happy (because life definitely goes on).  But you will never find another one like me.

No, you will never find another one like me, who showed you unconditional affection, who worked hard to entertain your soul, who made sure to maintain a smile on your face, and who recognized your fears and tried to show you the path of your way.
No, you will never find another one like me, who did not mind putting forth more effort to try to make things work, who loved you for what lies beneath your skin, who saw past your pretty face.
No, you will never find another one like me, who cherished the treasures of your thoughts, who encouraged you to think outside the box, who loved the every word that escaped your randomness.
No, you will never find another one like me, who put up with your white lies, who embraced your lost cause, who loved you more than what seemed unfair.

You will certainly move on with someone new, who will understand you and who will love you.  But you will never find another one like me, who loved you of mind, body, and soul.

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