Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Resurfacing Struggle

My traits are scattered like ashes onto an uncontested ocean.  My sense of being, my beliefs; the values of thoughts and guidance that once hid the dark passenger from the views of future victims - it is being hindered by something obscure, something unknown yet familiar.

I find myself struggling with the discipline lost at the crossroads; trying to remain calm, to keep my sanity, to ameliorate the discontent that threatens to resurface...
I dislike the indecision to fight for the unbeatable or take flight into the nothingness of broken promises.  The hope being that my lessons learned will be remembered and applied dutifully as I had myself convinced that I was not, indeed, mad.

Where am I to go if home-sweet-home is a mirage, a reflection of my man-made hell?

I inquire within...

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